Services of the AEF Committee of Experts. Legal Section.

Free advice to full members and associates of the Spanish Association of Franchisors (AEF from the Spanish).

Free advice to full members and associates of the Spanish Association of Franchisors (AEF from the Spanish).

These take place long as they are brief consultations of a legal nature, can be resolved at the time and do not require a study of legal records. Consultations can be made by coming to the stands at AEF Fairs (in Madrid or Valencia) or by phoning the 902 (low cost) contact number.

Advice for franchisors.

Advice for franchisors.

In all matters which concern franchises and which may require legal advice, franchisors benefit from the support of a member of the Committee of Experts, selected by a rotation system.

Advice for franchise holders.

Advice for franchise holders.

With regards to franchise holders who are associated with networks which are AEF members, the Committee of Experts will start a prior mediation process with the institutional presence of an AEF body or a mediator, designated by the Committee and unaffiliated with the parties, in order to avoid, as far as possible, any disputes going to court.

Mediation in disputes between franchisors and franchise holders

Mediation in disputes between franchisors and franchise holders.

This is done with the intention of encouraging, as much as possible, an out of court agreement, from an objective position and in order to create an agreement that benefits both parties.

 To provide information about the European Code of Ethics for Franchising

To provide information about the European Code of Ethics for Franchising

and to promote its application in relationships between franchisors and franchise holders and between said parties and the other operators in the franchise market.

To report on new legislative principles

To report on new legislative principles

which are either in draft phase or approved and which affect the franchising sector.
